Application Forms
Draft Contracts
Working At Grays Convent And In A Catholic School
You can read more about our school on the following link:
and more about the Diocese of Brentwood here:
Monsignor Marcus Stock has produced a book that is given to all staff at our Catholic school. This text provides a concise and authoritative account of why the Catholic Church provides schools and what constitutes the Catholic ethos of a Catholic school. You may like to read it online:
About Catholic Schools:
There are 2098 Catholic schools in England
Catholic schools make up 10% of the national total of state funded schools
820,158 pupils are educated in Catholic schools
62% of pupils at Catholic state funded schools are Catholic
47,524 teachers work in Catholic state funded schools
48% of teachers in Catholic state funded schools are Catholic
9% increase in the number of Catholic academies
Catholic Schools Are Established By The Church To:
assist in its mission of making Christ known to all people;
assist parents, who are the primary educators of their children, in the education and religious formation of their children;
be at the service of the local Church – the diocese, the parish and the Christian home; and, be “a service to society”.
These objectives help students to: “encounter the living God who in Jesus Christ reveals his transforming love and truth”; provide an environment in which students are enabled to build and deepen their relationship with God; foster an academic culture aimed at the pursuit of truth; and, actively promote growth in virtue. A fundamental principle of Catholic education is the formation of the whole person.
Catholic schools value and respect all staff members regardless of backgrounds or beliefs and promote and support the vocation of teaching. Catholic schools are welcoming places to pupils and members of staff from all faiths and none. All staff members are however expected to be respectful of and engaged with the school’s Catholic values. As a member of staff you will be expected to participate in the prayer and liturgical life of the school. This may be in, for example, participating in prayer or mass for staff, leading prayer at the start of each lesson or preparing form groups for assembly with the help of the Chaplain and the liturgy reps.
You do not have to be Catholic unless you are applying for a reserved post: the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or Head of R.E. Further information about this can be seen here:
All employees are appointed under a Catholic Education Service contract. You should read this contract carefully before you are appointed and it will be sent to you as part of our recruitment pack.
The Interview
All staff interviewed at Grays Convent will be asked questions, or take place in tasks and other activities, depending on the role applied for, that will relate to working at a Catholic school, alongside those questions related to safeguarding.
The questions below may be useful preparation
Additional and detailed information can be found on:
Interview Questions That Could Be Asked For A Variety Of Roles:
How does your subject contribute to the spiritual and moral development of children in a faith school?
What difference does it make that this is a Catholic school?
Define your understanding of the term ethos.
How would you be a genuine witness in this school community?
How would you contribute to our staff formation?
What Gospel values underpin your ethos?
What makes a Catholic school different from a non-Catholic school?
How can you support the Catholic ethos here?
What is your ultimate goal for our young people?
Why do you believe that you are ready to make a difference to our students' lives as a school and spiritual leader?
What is the special contribution that you could make to a Catholic celebration in this school?
How does the Catholic life of the school contribute to the life and well-being of young people?
How can you help ensure we fulfil our mission statement as an LSU school?
How can we ensure that Christ is at the Centre of our school day, and what do you think this means?
How should a Catholic School be different?
How would you ensure that the role of the La Sainte union sisters is kept alive for students today?