Our Careers programme is taught from Years 7-11 during PSHE lessons and allocated Rise Above Days. The aim of the programme is to provide the pupils with the skills and knowledge to make an informed choice about their future options.

Please email the Miss D Hector on regarding Careers, or by calling 01375 376173.

Key Stage Three

Year 7 are introduced to a range of careers resources and websites and they start to identify the types of jobs they are interested in and their personal qualities and skills required to do those jobs. Further lessons during PSHE will explore the different pathways to the world of work using the online starter resources for Year 7 produced by Career Ready and the Careers and Enterprise Company. Year 7 will participate in Apprenticeship Week and National Careers Week through assemblies and online resources. Year 7 will have the opportunity to meet employers from various careers backgrounds via our Alumni. Our independent careers adviser will work with Year 7 during the spring term.

Year 8 will explore their personal skills, interests, strengths and qualities and develop their research on various pathways into the world or work. Pupils will be encouraged to explore jobs they would like to do. They will be introduced to LMI and use the resources to research and explore the jobs of the future. They will have the opportunity to meet employers and speakers from various careers as part of their PSHE lessons, Rise Above days and Alumni visitors.

Year 9 focus on making choices for their GCSE options and explore the different routes available to them in the future. They will participate in various college taster days and university visits. They will research the jobs and skills required in their local area. They will participate in Apprenticeship week and the National Careers week exploring the world of work. They will meet employers from a variety of careers and they will further research and explore their own interests.

Key Stage Four

Key Stage 4 students focus on their personal skills and explore the opportunities available to them post16. They attend college taster days and visit universities. They further develop their employability skills and their personal qualities. Speakers via Alumni share their careers journey during Tutor time and Rise Above Days. Year 11 students participate in a Mock Interview. Opportunities to take part in personal development training and webinars are advertised on Google classroom and in school newsletters.

Our Careers programme is supported by an Independent Careers Adviser who visits the school twice a week. All students in Key Stage 4 receive a personal interview in Year 10 and Year 11. We aim to provide all our students for careers in the future. We develop our programme using the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.

Employer Encounters Reviews

“We absolutely loved working with the Grays Convent students - their engagement, interaction and behaviour was excellent. There was a really interesting debate between girls that was in the spirit of discussion. A few students came up after to say thanks and that they enjoyed the performances and we were so impressed with their engagement, respectful interaction and empathetic, insightful suggestions.”


Director | UpFront Theatre

“It was an absolute pleasure to visit Grays Convent School, the students were very engaging and keen to learn about Milestone Infrastructure and the wider Street Lighting Industry. My colleagues and I are looking forward to being able to attend in the future and support the younger generation into the world of work.”

Marc Zahra

Customer Liaison Officer | Milestone Infrastructure

This is my third visit to the school and as a visitor I have always felt very welcomed & valued. The organisation is so well thought out, the catering excellent and of course the students are a credit to the School.”

Adam Grayson

Talk the Talk Confident Communication for Life

It was my pleasure to visit Grays Convent School and be part of the 'Rise Above' day. I was warmly welcomed by all members of staff and students. My group of Year 11 students were just lovely: friendly, respectful and engaged throughout the day. It's clear, as an external visitor, that the school have embedded strong values and high expectations.

Lesley Wilsdon

Talk the Talk Confident Communication for Life

“I’ve lead a couple of oracy workshops at Gray’s Convent, I’ve always found the staff to be friendly and the students are a pleasure to work with. They are positive, engaged and show a great team ethos. I’ll look forward to my next visit.”

Tom Brooks

Talk the Talk Confident Communication for Life

“As always it was an absolute PLEASURE working with the Year 11 students at Grays Convent High School, they were polite, respectful and eager to learn. I facilitate many workshops and I must admit that this school is one of my favourites.”

Robert Harris

Talk the Talk Confident Communication for Life

Rise Above Day (RAD)

As part of the whole school provision of learning at Grays Convent all pupils take part in Rise Above Days at Grays Convent school.  On the allocated days set aside on the academic calendar the normal school timetable is suspended and all students will spend that time enriching their personal development as part of the planned PSHEC and careers programme.  These days are in addition to the usual PSHEC lessons and complement the learning that occurs in them.  The day will invite lots of exciting external visitors and a variety of PSHEC and Careers topics being covered.

On the day all pupils should bring their PSHEC book, a pencil case and planner, and wear their school uniform unless otherwise identified.

Relationships, Health and Sex education is delivered in line with the principles of the Catholic Church.  This can be seen in our RSE Policy on the website.

We receive great feedback on the day from both the external visitors (available to view comments on the careers curriculum page of the website) and students.  Student comments include:

“I like how you learn about all different areas in PSHEC and drugs education really raises awareness on the issues and concerns.  I feel empowered by knowing the effects so I can make good decisions.” Year 10 student.

“Learning about the council has been great because now it’s on the TV I can understand it more.” Year 9 student.

Please look out for the RAD in the academic calendar which can be located in the newsletter and take note that on RADs school will end at 2:30pm and no homework club will be available on that day.

Careers Information for Parents

It is widely recognised that a young person’s parents are one of the most powerful influences on their career and education decision-making, however it can be challenging to fully understand the variety of pathways which lead to different occupations. At Grays Convent we understand this journey and aim to provide you and your child with effective information, advice and guidance on careers which embed the Gatsby Benchmarks. Throughout this journey there are key decisions to make from KS4 options to post 16 choices. We offer lots of guidance in all areas of their career from Year 7 to beyond post 16. We have an embedded programme of careers education which gives you access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities.

If you have any questions on views about the careers programme at Grays Convent High School please feel free to contact the school. In addition below are links to websites which give useful information and advice: