All pupils are expected to wear the regulation uniform as supplied by Uniforms by Niki & Uniformwise.

Basic Uniform:

  • Dark navy-blue pleated skirt worn below the knee or navy-blue school uniform/formal suit style trousers (with black socks)

  • Striped navy and white rever neck blouse

  • Navy pullover with ‘V’ neck

  • Navy school blazer with badge

  • Plain navy blue or black coat (plain - no logos or distinctive markings, etc.)

  • Navy blue or black scarf and gloves in winter

  • Plain black opaque tights with skirts or black socks with trousers

  • White ankle-length socks (Summer term and the first half of Autumn only)

  • Navy blue scarf or hijab (no adornments or jewellery), if required

  • Shoes must be black low-heeled and of a sensible design. They should not be “fashion shoes” or have any coloured decorations or look like trainers. Wedge, stiletto or kitten type heels are not suitable. Neither boots nor canvas shoes are permitted, unless medical evidence is provided.

Basic P.E. Uniform:

Parents may have their PE kit embroidered with their name if they wish.  This costs approximately £2 per garment.  This service is available at our outfitters, Uniforms by Niki & Uniformwise.  This avoids lost kit for those who take part in after school sports or events.

Compulsory PE Kit for Yrs 7-11:

  • Navy shorts (plain) or navy leggings with school logo (Uniforms by Niki/Uniformwise)

  • Navy and white polo shirt (Uniforms by Niki/Uniformwise)

  • White football socks (plain)

  • Supportive sports trainers (not plimsolls/Vans or Converse etc.)

  • Hairband

Optional PE Uniform:

  • Shin pads when required- for contact sport.

  • Gumshield when required- for contact sport.

  • Navy tracksuit bottoms (Uniforms by Niki/Uniformwise)

  • Studded football boots (blades not allowed) for Year 7 - 9

  • Red Hoodie with school logo (Uniforms by Niki/Uniformwise)

  • Waterproof Jacket and Trousers (Uniforms by Niki/Uniformwise)

Compulsory Branded items of school uniform:

  • Blue and white rever shirt (as pupils wear their P.E uniform to school when they have P.E only 2 shirts need be purchased)

  • Navy shorts (plain) or navy leggings with school logo (Uniforms by Niki/Uniformwise)

  • Navy and white polo shirt (Uniforms by Niki/Uniformwise)

Optional Branded items of school uniform:

  • Navy tracksuit bottoms (Uniforms by Niki/Uniformwise);

  • Studded football boots (blades not allowed) for Year 7 – 9;

  • Red Hoodie with school logo (Uniforms by Niki/Uniformwise);

  • Waterproof Jacket and Trousers (Uniforms by Niki/Uniformwise).

Generic items of school uniform that are acceptable:

  • School skirts or trousers that comply with the above requirements (see length, formality and pleats);

  • Navy pullover with ‘V’ neck;

  • Navy blazers can be purchased from any uniform provider (including Uniforms by Niki’s and Uniformwise where the badge is attached) and school badges can be provided by the school at a small cost;

  • White football socks (plain);

  • Supportive sports trainers (not plimsolls/Vans or Converse etc.);

  • Shin pads;

  • Gumshield;

  • Hairbands;

  • Plain navy blue or black coat (plain - no logos or distinctive markings, etc.);

  • Any school bag;

  • Navy blue or black scarf and gloves in winter;

  • Plain black opaque tights with skirts or black socks with trousers;

  • White ankle-length socks (Autumn half term & Summer term only);

  • Navy blue scarf or hijab (no adornments or jewellery), if required.

Other Uniform Requirements

  • The only jewellery allowed at school is a watch and one pair of small plain gold or silver studs for those with pierced ears; only one pair in the conventional place in the lobe of the ear.

  • Watches may be worn at the owner’s risk.  All watches of any type must be removed during examination periods and all jewellery is removed during P.E lessons.

  • The school makes adaptations to its’ school uniform jewellery requirements for religious reasons for example wearing the mandatory 5 Sikh sacred symbols for practicing Sikhs.  This does not include the wearing of crosses or crucifixes.

  • No other jewellery may be worn to school.  This includes: nose studs, conch piercings and tongue or other piercings, bracelets, rings or necklaces.  This includes the wearing of crosses or crucifixes that are visible.

  • No jewellery may be worn during P.E lessons for health & safety reasons, excepting Sikh religious symbols or a Hijab.

  • Hair must always should be a natural colour, for example not purple, as it is not a natural hair colour. Hair beads are not permitted for health and safety reasons.  Sleep bonnets are not permitted in school.

  • Make up, including fake tan, nail varnish, false nails or eyelashes and eyebrows are not acceptable in school.

  • Coats are not expected to be worn inside the school; students can purchase a locker for the duration of their time in school to keep it in, or need to buy a bag that is sizeable enough to put it in.

  • Students may take part in school productions or sporting events that require specific branded or different clothing.  Consideration of cost will be adhered to on all occasions.

  • In cold weather students may wish to wear a vest type top under their clothing- this should not be visible.

  • P.E tops should not be tied back with hair bands and at no point should parts of the body such as stomachs be visible when wearing P.E clothing.

Enforcement of Uniform

The standard of uniform at Grays Convent is very high and well supported by parents.  Uniform joins us together in unity to the principles of the La Sainte Union sisters and shows a commitment to our community and its values.  On entry to the school parents sign a school agreement that confirms that they will abide by the standards set by the school.

All staff insist on a high standard of uniform and are expected to enforce this.  Any confiscated items will be held in the school safe until collected by a parent.

Lost uniform, including pencil cases, keys, glasses and other items such as coats and shoes, that cannot be returned to their owner as they are not labelled, will be displayed in the foyer once each half term.  Any uncollected items are placed in our uniform store or given to charity each half term.

Regular uniform checks are carried out and parents contacted if necessary.  Students carry a Respect card’ which is used to record, amongst other more positive things, sanctions related to uniform infringements.

Please label your daughter’s uniform – especially their coat, bag and equipment!

Where to purchase school uniform

Our two school uniform providers are:

Please see above for acceptability if you wish to purchase uniform items elsewhere.

Both of our uniform providers offer pre-loved uniform at a reduced cost.

Pre-loved Uniform

The school has a good stock of new items and pre-loved uniform, shoes etc., managed by members of its Governing body.  Any parents who wish to use this service, at no or little cost may contact Miss Chisholm, pupildata@graysconvent.thurrock.sch.uk at the point of admission or the Heads of Key Stage on the school’s contact number, or admin@graysconvent.thurrock.sch.uk